vineri, 25 noiembrie 2016

Salt in timp:)

Am timp si nu mi-e frica. Multi au avut timp, multi il au si multi o sa aiba. Sa ma expun lumii e ca si cum m-as expune la soare. Nu stiu insa cati pot arde ca soarele in jurul meu incat sa ma bronzez. Si daca ma bronzez la oameni e minunat. Asa ca straluciti la mine.

marți, 8 martie 2011


I feel the rusty words inside my throat
and i tried to paint them on a note,
but there is nothing more that i can say
to those who think are happy when they paint..
So i will close my eyes only to see
Your smiles whenever you feel free.
I will and i will not forget
The ones that can or cannot let
me rust...

joi, 6 mai 2010

A little beatle story

When i was a little girl i asked my mother if i will be happy and loved for the rest of my life... I saw her standing there, near my father, so calm and i just couldn't wait for her words .She slowly turned around and said:
-Do you want to know a secret?
-No reply...
-Oh!Darling, now you're just a little child, but you'll grow up and with a little help from your friends every little thing will come to you; You will be happy because with their love you'll fly across the universe... Look outside , on the window, tell me what you see... It's only love.. You just have to act naturally and follow the sun.
In my life when i'm sad all i've got to do is to drive my car and listen to rock and roll music... Here there and everywhere people are getting better when they do that. But this is me... It won't be long and you'll understand... and I want to tell you something to remember: money is not important... Now ask me why
-Why mother?
-Because tomorrow never knows...and now you have to think for yourself... Take a guess...
-Because money can't buy me love, isn't it?
-Ain't she sweet, she asked my father with a funny smile..
-Yes she is!
-I've got a feeling you won't let me down.. when i'm sixty four you'll be my litlle Lucy in the sky with diamonds living in a Yellow Submarine having your birthday eight days a week...
Darling I just wish you all my loving...

the end

luni, 11 ianuarie 2010


In loc sa dorm
trag un pui de somn.
In loc sa mananc
iau o gustare.
Decat sa fac baie
mai bine fac dus.
Decat sa termin,
mai bine incep.
Decat sa ajung
mai bine nu plec.
Decat sa vorbesc
mai bine zambesc.
Decat sa zambesc
mai bine-o gandesc.
Vase de lut
munte abrupt
iaurt de baut
si-un fluier rupt..
Lasare de seara
Viori de chitara
o bere cam chioara
si-un urlet de vara..
O noapte cu iele
si zori racoritori
mahmurilor ce au sub piele
trecut,prezent si viitor!

luni, 4 ianuarie 2010